National HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis prevention and Control

National HIV/AIDS program is one of the programs under the Disease Prevention and Control Directorate responsible for designing, planning, and implementing; monitoring, and evaluating HIV and Viral Hepatitis related interventions and activities in Ethiopia.

Roles and responsibilities 


  • Designing interventions,
  • Developing technical guidelines, manuals, protocols, SOPs, and building capacity of the sub-national program units and staffs. 
  • In collaboration with EPHI, monitoring of the viral load, the effectiveness of ARV drugs, and measurement of the impact of interventions.

Programs, projects, and initiatives: 

The program has a separate national strategic plan for HIV/AIDs as well as the Viral Hepatitis program.

1.    The national HIV/AIDS strategic plan for 2021-2025: 
Aim: Consolidating the gains made in the fight against HIV/AIDS and further reduce the burden of the disease and interrupt further transmission.
Goal: To attain HIV epidemic control nationally by 2025, by reducing new HIV infections and AIDS mortality to less than 1 per 10,000 populations.

2.    The National Viral Hepatitis strategic plan for 2021-2025 envision 
Aim: To see Ethiopia where Viral Hepatitis transmission is halted and everyone living with Viral Hepatitis has access to safe, affordable, and effective preventive, care & treatment services.
Goal: To eliminate Viral Hepatitis as a major Public Health problem in Ethiopia by 2030