Mrs Fatuma Seid Mohammed has received BSC on July 2003, Public Health Specialist in Reproductive Health on June 2018 and is a committed, passionate and selfless Leader.
She has been serving the nation for more than 18 years starting from health center, Woreda, Zonal, Regional to Federal MOH crossing all over the health tier system. She served in different leadership positions head of woreda health office, V/head and head of zone health department, and Process owner of region NTD program,
She is director of Women Children and Youth directorate at MOH,V/president of zone women federation for close to 3 year and recently coordinator of national women forum. In the recent unprecedented global crisis due to COVID19 pandemic, she was assigned as section chief of Protection section at National EOC based at EPHI-PHEM. She is passionate in health and wellbeing of women, youths and children and inclusiveness
- Excutive officer of Women, Children and Youth at the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia
- Chair of Federal Sectors Women forum
- Engaged in GBV national taskforce