Dr. Dereje Duguma Gemeda is state minister for the program wing at the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, appointed since March 2020 and has been at the forefront of the country’s COVID 19 pandemic surveillance prevention and care and treatment responses. In addition, as part of this role Dr. Dereje is leading to maintain, restore and strengthen post pandemic health services in the sector.
Prior to this appointment, He served in Ormoia regional health bureau for six years at different position including Monitoring evaluation and planning director, deputy regional bureau head and regional health bureau head. During his leadership at Oromia regional health bureau Dr. Dereje was leading the implementation of the Oromia health programmes as part of the National Health Sector Transformation Strategy. With over 10 years of experience, Dr Dereje is a physician who has served in rural hospitals and letter specialised in public health in Italy with experience as a clinician, academician, and public health leader.
Dr. Dereje is passionate and advocator of public health interventions and health system reforms, and he has received many awards including gold medal from Mekelle University during his undergraduate studies and others honours from local and international organizations for his outstanding leadership at regional health bureau and Federal ministry of health. In addition to his services at government structure, Dr. Degree is also chair for Wolkite university, Ethiopian red cross society,and board member of a number of government and private institutions.
E-mail: dereje.duguma@moh.gov.et
Phone: 0115524549
Fax: 0115516396