Request for Prequalification (RFQ)
በኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ የገንዘብ ሚኒስቴር የመንግስትና የግል አጋርነት ዳይሬክቶሬት ጄነራል ፅ/ቤት
Office of Public Private Partnership (PPP) DIRECTORATE GENERAL (PPP-DG)
Integrated Diagnostic Center (IDC) PPP Project
The PPP Directorate General of Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia has announced Expression of Interest (EoI) on July 08, 2022 to check market soundness of Integrated Diagnostic Center (IDC) PPP Project. The responses from private companies /consortiums were positive. Now, the Office of Public Private Partnership Directorate General (Office of PPP-DG) has issued this announcement of Request for Prequalification (RFQ announcement) for Integrated Diagnostic Center (IDC) PPP project. The Diagnostic PPP envisions the development of integrated diagnostic center (IDC) to provide quality and uninterrupted laboratory, pathology, and imaging services in Addis Ababa. The IDC will be based at St. Peter’s Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa to serve clients in need of diagnostic services.
The Ministry of Finance PPP-DG intends to pre-qualify prospective bidders with the requisite experience, expertise, and financial resources to rapidly deliver the Integrated Diagnostic Center (IDC) via PPP modality which is the first phase of the procurement (private party selection) process. The next stage will involve Request for Proposal (RFP) for only pre-qualified bidders.
In order to be eligible to participate in the RFQ process, prospective applicants are required to register at office of PPP DG in person or virtually (electronically ) and purchase RFQ document for non-refundable fee of ETB 5000 Birr or Equivalent amount of any convertible currency for each RFQ. Participants are advised to deposit the stated amount to the bank account number enlisted below: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Acc.Name: MoF Acc. No 1000003784847 and bring the bank receipt of the payment to Finance Directorate of Ministry of Finance (Office Number 31). Then in order to collect the RFQ document, private sectors can bring a copy of the receipt to PPP DG before the deadline for RFQ submission.
For virtual or electronics registration please contact the PPP DG via the email address stated below and payment for RFQ document will be facilitated and soft copy of RFQ will be sent to the applicant upon approval by the PPP Directorate General. The payment may be done by bank transfer or wire transfer to the dedicated bank account .The RFQ application must be delivered to the PPP-DG office 8th December 2022 at or before 11:00 AM local time. Late submissions shall not be considered.
Bidders may participate in the prequalification process severally or in consortia. International bidders are encouraged to participate in consortia with local private partners.
Attention to: ethiopppdg@gmail.com; infopppdg@mof.gov.et and/or ttadesse@mofed.gov.et
Name: Ministry of Finance, www.mof.gov.et
Directorate General: PPP Directorate General
Address: Ministry of Finance, King George VI Street
Telephone: +251111552633, +2511140200 (ext. 4019, 4018, 4017, 4016)